'Nostalgia for a Tenement' painted by John Cairney can be seen at Compass Gallery, 178 West Regent Street, Claghow G24RL Tel: 0141 221 637 email: mail@compassgallery.co.uk www.compassgallery.co.uk Open: Mon-Sat 9.30am-5.30pm
I’ve spent a lot of my life being photographed. It is part of an actor’s job and I have never enjoyed it, not matter the skill of the excellent photographers who took them. Perhaps this reluctance to pose for a picture comes from the fact that the very first photo I ever had taken was by my uncle on the beach at Ayr. I was trying to get into the awkward swimming costume, a heavy black full body one piece, that I had to pull over my ankles and up over my shoulders. I was very young but old enough to try to be modest about it and was struggling with this when one of my uncles on holiday with us as part of the party got a snap of my bare posterior, much to the amusement of the others around at the time. I was mortified and pursued him along the sands as he ran off laughing with the camera. The resulting still was passed round so many hands that it eventually fell apart, much to my relief.